import boto3
import base64
import os
import time
def get_instance_id_by_private_ip(private_ip, region="us-east-1", aws_profile=None):
# Set the AWS profile, if specified
if aws_profile:
# Initialize EC2 client
ec2_client = boto3.client("ec2", region_name=region)
# Describe instances filtered by private IP
response = ec2_client.describe_instances(
Filters=[{"Name": "private-ip-address", "Values": [private_ip]}]
# Extract the instance ID from the response
for reservation in response["Reservations"]:
for instance in reservation["Instances"]:
return instance["InstanceId"]
# If no instance found, return None
return None
def copy_files_from_ec2(file_paths_on_ec2, local_save_dir, instance_id, region="us-east-1", aws_profile=None):
# Set the AWS profile, if specified
if aws_profile:
# Initialize SSM client
ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm", region_name=region)
for file_path_on_ec2 in file_paths_on_ec2:
# Extract filename to save locally
filename = os.path.basename(file_path_on_ec2)
local_save_path = os.path.join(local_save_dir, filename)
# Base64 encode the file on the EC2 instance using an SSM command
commands = [f'base64 {file_path_on_ec2}']
# Send the command to EC2 via SSM
response = ssm_client.send_command(
Parameters={"commands": commands},
# Fetch the command ID to track the output
command_id = response["Command"]["CommandId"]
# Wait for the command to complete
time.sleep(2) # Initial wait before polling for command status
while True:
result = ssm_client.get_command_invocation(
if result["Status"] == "Success":
# Retrieve the Base64 output
encoded_content = result["StandardOutputContent"]
elif result["Status"] in ["Failed", "Cancelled", "TimedOut"]:
raise Exception(f"SSM command failed for '{file_path_on_ec2}' with status: {result['Status']}")
time.sleep(1) # Poll every second
# Decode the Base64 content and write it to a local file
decoded_content = base64.b64decode(encoded_content)
with open(local_save_path, "wb") as file:
print(f"File '{file_path_on_ec2}' copied from instance '{instance_id}' to local path '{local_save_path}'.")
# Example usage
# Retrieve the instance ID using a private IP
private_ip = "" # Replace with the private IP address you're looking for
region = "us-east-1" # Replace with your AWS region if different
aws_profile = "your-profile-name" # Replace with your AWS CLI profile name
instance_id = get_instance_id_by_private_ip(private_ip, region, aws_profile)
if instance_id:
print(f"The instance ID for private IP {private_ip} is {instance_id}.")
# Specify files to copy from EC2 and the local save directory
file_paths_on_ec2 = ["/home/ec2-user/", "/home/ec2-user/"] # Paths to files on EC2 instance
local_save_dir = "./" # Local directory to save the files
# Copy files from EC2 to local machine
copy_files_from_ec2(file_paths_on_ec2, local_save_dir, instance_id, region, aws_profile)
print(f"No instance found with private IP {private_ip}.")