There are many tools available to check the performance of site. This tools give the recommendation to improve further to optimize performance. I’m going explain about more than 20 tools so divide this post into 4 part.
This is Part 3 and going to cover,
9. Web Tool Hub (
10. OctaGate (
11. Browser Mob (
9. Web Tool Hub
“Web Tool Hub” is useful to identify bottleneck for performance. It gives the report for loading the page speed for different internet connection.
It generates reports for different connection.
10 OctaGate
“OctaGate” opens the page and download entire page to give clear picture about how much time is require to open/download pages.
11 Browser Mob (
“Browser Mob “ checks the performance without running testing script. It generates pie chart for the loading time taken by each objects/elements.
Other tools I’m going to explain in next part (Part 4).
good site for load testing