Saturday, 9 December 2023

python code like tcpdump


from scapy.all import sniff, TCP, IP, raw

import datetime

import logging


# Configure logging


    filename="packet_capture.log",  # File to save the output

    level=logging.INFO,            # Log level

    format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s",  # Format for log entries

    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"    # Timestamp format



# Define the Redpanda port (Kafka typically uses 9092; adjust for your setup)



def log_and_print(message):

    """Logs the message to a file and prints it to the console."""



def packet_callback(packet):

    # Extract arrival time

    arrival_time =


    # Check if the packet has IP and TCP layers

    if IP in packet and TCP in packet:

        # Extract general packet details

        ip_src = packet[IP].src

        ip_dst = packet[IP].dst

        tcp_sport = packet[TCP].sport

        tcp_dport = packet[TCP].dport

        iface = packet.sniffed_on if hasattr(packet, 'sniffed_on') else "Unknown Interface"

        ttl = packet[IP].ttl

        total_length = packet[IP].len


        # Extract TCP-specific details

        seq = packet[TCP].seq

        ack = packet[TCP].ack

        window = packet[TCP].window

        flags = packet.sprintf("%TCP.flags%")  # TCP flags as a string

        checksum = packet[TCP].chksum


        # Log detailed packet info

        log_and_print(f"Interface: {iface} | IP Packet: {ip_src}:{tcp_sport} -> {ip_dst}:{tcp_dport} | Protocol: TCP")

        log_and_print(f"  Packet Length: {total_length} bytes | TTL: {ttl} | Checksum: {hex(checksum)}")

        log_and_print(f"  Sequence Number: {seq} | Acknowledgment Number: {ack} | Window Size: {window}")

        log_and_print(f"  Flags: {flags}")


        # Extract and log raw packet data

        raw_data = raw(packet)

        log_and_print(f"Raw Packet Data: {raw_data.hex()}")


        # Check if traffic is for Redpanda

        if tcp_dport == REDPANDA_PORT or tcp_sport == REDPANDA_PORT:


                # Decode payload as UTF-8

                payload = raw_data.decode("utf-8")


                # Assuming message has a timestamp in nanoseconds as the first field

                source_time_ns = int(payload.split(",")[0])  # Adjust based on message format

                source_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(source_time_ns / 1e9)


                # Calculate latency

                latency = (arrival_time - source_time).total_seconds() * 1000  # Convert to milliseconds


                # Log latency details

                log_and_print(f"  Redpanda Message: {payload}")

                log_and_print(f"  Source Time: {source_time}, Latency: {latency:.2f} ms")

            except Exception as e:

                log_and_print(f"  Error decoding Redpanda message: {e}")

        log_and_print("-" * 50)


# Start sniffing packets

log_and_print("Starting packet capture... Press Ctrl+C to stop.")

sniff(filter="tcp", prn=packet_callback, store=False, iface="any")



Explanation of Changes

  1. Logging Setup:
    • The logging.basicConfig function is configured to:
      • Save log messages to a file (packet_capture.log).
      • Include timestamps and message formatting.
  2. log_and_print Function:
    • A helper function that:
      • Prints the message to the console.
      • Logs the same message to the file using
  3. Output to File:
    • All relevant output (packet details, raw data, and decoded messages) is saved in packet_capture.log.
  4. File Format:
    • The log file will contain each entry with a timestamp and message, making it easy to analyze later.



2024-11-25 14:15:18 - Starting packet capture... Press Ctrl+C to stop.

2024-11-25 14:15:20 - Interface: wlan0 | IP Packet: -> | Protocol: TCP

2024-11-25 14:15:20 -   Packet Length: 60 bytes | TTL: 64 | Checksum: 0x8c7b

2024-11-25 14:15:20 -   Sequence Number: 123456789 | Acknowledgment Number: 987654321 | Window Size: 64240

2024-11-25 14:15:20 -   Flags: PA

2024-11-25 14:15:20 - Raw Packet Data: 4500003c1a2b400040067dabc0a8010ac0a80114

2024-11-25 14:15:20 -   Redpanda Message: 1698322918123456789,Hello, World!

2024-11-25 14:15:20 -   Source Time: 2024-11-25 14:15:18.123456, Latency: 22.22 ms

2024-11-25 14:15:20 - --------------------------------------------------

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